We are excited to celebrate 125 years of God’s blessings this fall. By the grace of God our congregation rejoices at 125 years of ministry in Reinbeck. The Special Anniversary Worship Service will be Sunday, September 19th, at 10:30 A.M. Lunch and special activities will follow the service. All are welcome to join us. Read all about our 125 years of history below.
1885—Services began with Missouri Synod Lutheran Pastor Mezger from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo. Services were held in homes a few times each year.
1889—Pastor Theo Wolfram from Immanuel, Waterloo, came as often as possible. Church services were held in the Congregational Church on Sunday afternoons as often as possible.
1896—It was decided to incorporate and adopt a constitution. The name chosen was The German Evangelical Lutheran Saint John’s Church of the Augsburg Confession of Reinbeck, Iowa. The constitution was signed by 17 members. A lot on Clark Street was purchased and a new church was built and dedicated on September 15, 1896 with three services—two in German and one in English.
1898—A parsonage was built on a lot west of the new church. A call was extended to Rev. L. Traub who served until May, 1904, to serve 63 communicant members. Also in 1898, the church joined the Iowa District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
1904—Rev. G. Bertram accepted a call to Reinbeck to serve 102 communicant members and he also served the church in Dillon. A school had been built on a lot south of the church and he taught 12 to 14 year olds both the German language and catechism three days a week. On Saturdays he taught spelling, reading and writing to all ages.
1911—Rev. Bertram’s son Henry came to town and established a parish school in which he taught for 14 years enrolling 16 to 32 children.
1922 –The church acquired a modern schoolhouse and moved it from four miles northeast of Reinbeck and placed it on the lot facing Randall Street. It has now been torn down.
1925—Pastor Bertram retired and Rev. Otto F. Koch accepted the call. At that time services were held in both German and English with the membership increasing rapidly when services were in English only. He was both pastor and teacher but George Montor and Ruth Kauffeld were hired as teachers for a few years.
1927—The church was enlarged and remodeled.
1934—The school closed when buses could no longer transport parochial students and classes thereafter for many years were held on Saturdays mornings 9:00 to 12:00.
1939—The church received a new ceiling and wall coverings. The altar area was also enlarged.
1941—Services in German were discontinued because of World War II.
1944—After Rev. Koch suffered a fatal heart attack, Rev. Carl E. Krog was installed as pastor on August 13, 1944.
1946—St. John’s celebrated its 50th anniversary with a communicant membership of 198. Baptized members numbered 285. A new parsonage was erected at 408 Center St. Rev. Krog accepted a call to Chicago and Rev. K. R. Schliepsiek accepted the call to Reinbeck.
1947—Rev. Schliepsiek began also preaching in Gladbrook to a group interested in forming a congregation—now known as Christ Lutheran Church. The first Bible School was held in the Parish Hall all day for two weeks in the summer for 48 children. Two teachers assisted the minister. Sunday School was also held there and improvements were made to the Parish Hall to make it a comfortable meeting place.
1948—After a study of the Articles of Incorporation, it was voted to change the name of the church to St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod of Reinbeck, Iowa.
1950—A lot was purchased at the corner of Center and Randall Streets for $3800.00.
1952—Rev. Schliepsiek accepted a call to Des Moines. Rev. Ewald L. Stuempfig accepted the call to St. John’s. Christ Lutheran is now being served by Wellsburg with Rev. Stuempfig assisting as needed.
1957—Pastor W. D. Oetting served as vacancy pastor when Pastor Stuempfig accepted a call to Waterloo.
1958—Rev. Clarence Meyer was installed at St. John’s. In February a Building Committee was elected to lead the building of a new church. The building fund contained $53,000.00. The Griffith Company was the architect and Cervetti Company was selected as general contractor—estimated cost at $100,000.00. Ground breaking took place in March with construction work to begin in April. In June the cornerstone was laid. On that day St. John’s numbered 200 communicant members and 310 baptized members. The bell tower was added during construction to house the bell from the old church purchased in 1896.
1959—On May 3rd St. John’s congregation dedicated their new house of worship with a morning and afternoon service and open house after each service. Total cost including furnishings was $130,000.00. The old church was sold to the Baptist Church for $4880.00.
1960—The Parish Hall was sold to the Baptist Church for $3500.00.
1969—A mortgage burning ceremony for the new church was held.
1971—Pastor Meyer retired from active ministry in February. Pastor Oetting again served as vacancy pastor until August when Rev. Dennis A. Arndt was installed. The 75th anniversary was celebrated in November with two services.
1976—Rev. Arndt accepted a call and at his departure St. John’s numbers 349 baptized and 278 communicant members. Communion was once each month, Maundy Thursday and New Year’s Eve.
1977—The Center St. parsonage was exchanged with Edna Weiss for her home directly north of the church in January. Rev. David L. Splett was installed as pastor in July to serve a dual parish with Christ Lutheran. Barb Splett served as secretary.
1978-79--The church received memorials and gifts: new nave lights, new carpet in chancel and down center aisle, painting the nave, individual communion cups and ceiling fans.
1980—A new Rodgers organ was installed and dedicated in a special service.
1982—New padded pews are installed. 250 copies of the new “Lutheran Worship” hymnal replaced the blue The Lutheran Hymn Book published in 1941.
1984—Pastor Splett accepted a call. Pastor R. W. McHone served as vacancy pastor.
1985—Rev. Dennis Sundell was installed as pastor. His family lived in a rental house as in November it was decided to tear down the old parsonage and level the lot. The dual parish agreement with Christ Lutheran was terminated. Jo Lynn Ramsey assumed the secretary position in August.
1987—A new Constitution is approved by the congregation and Synod. Pastor Sundell accepted a call and Pastor Theodore Will served as vacancy pastor.
1988—Rev. Glenn Denke was installed in January. He began mid-week classes for children in grades 3, 4,5, and 6. It was voted to offer both the common cup and individual cup at all communion services.
1989—Supper began being served before each Lenten service and Cottage Bible Studies were held.
1990—A dedication service was held for several items that were given as memorials or purchased including an enclosed bulletin board, updating the mothers’ room and several electronic items.
1993—A new pictorial directory was printed. Memorial money went towards a new piano in the balcony. Church signs were installed on Highway 175.
1994—Pastor Denke was the first to live in the new parsonage at 103 Upper Ridge Street purchased for $85,000.00.
1995—In June the new parsonage was dedicated and Pastor Denke hosted an open house to celebrate. Planning began for the Centennial celebration to be held in 1996 with various committees formed.
1996—“A Century of Grace in Christ” was the chosen theme and special services were held in January with Meike Schneider (in loving memory of Carl H. and Mary Schneider) presenting an organ concert of hymns for each season the church year. In April and June special services were also held. As the centennial approached the membership totaled 339 members and 272
communicant members.
1997—In June a mortgage burning ceremony was held for the new parsonage. In September the church received a new roof at a cost of $34,305. Pastor Denke accepted a call.
1998—Rev. William Schultz was installed as pastor at St. John’s. The roof debt was retired and excess funds purchased the first computer for the pastor’s study.
2001—Rev. Bruce Boyce was called to be pastor at St. John’s after Pastor Schultz’s sudden death. At that time the average Sunday attendance was 135. By now communion is offered on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month as well as special days of the church year. Vacation Bible School is held for one week. Air conditioning was installed in the church this year.
2002—Fairmont Art Glass Studio installed the stained glass windows in the sanctuary symbolizing events in the life of the Church from Jesus’s birth to His ascension. The choir continued under Brenda Boyce’s direction.
2004—The exterior doors of the church were replaced. The foundation of the parsonage was insulated.
2005—The parsonage was insulated and a radon vent was installed. A new boiler was needed for the church.
2006—The church attic was insulated and a deck was added to the parsonage. The Lutheran Service Book became the new hymnals.
2007 to 2013—No major changes at St. John’s. Youth confirmation class continues to be a three year (6th – 8th grade) program and Vacation Bible School is for one week in the summer.
Breakfast Bible Study at the café at 6 a.m. and Midweek Bible Class at 9 a.m. on Thursdays continues as well as Adult Bible Class and High School Bible Class on Sunday after church.
2014—Pastor Boyce announces his plans to retire. Rev. Troy Peperkorn accepts the call to serve as pastor. Average attendance for this year is 81. LaVonne Stirler retires after serving many years as treasurer. Carpeting in the meeting room was replaced.
2015—The tower room and all the first floor windows (except the sanctuary) were replaced.
2016—Tuck pointing was done on the church and work was done on the bell ringer and control. Siding, windows and the front door were replaced at the parsonage.
2017—Insurance covered re-shingling the hail damaged church roof. The concrete parking was replaced and the parsonage received gutter covers.
2018—Memorial money purchased a new baptismal font and new flooring in the sanctuary and social room. The retaining wall had to be replaced.
2019—The average attendance at Sunday worship services continues to decline—52 is the average attendance.
2020—Pastor Peperkorn accepted a call and Pastor Boyce and Pastor Splett served as vacancy pastors. In March almost everything including schools and churches shut down as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately in this age of technology, we were able to take part in the service on the computer. Late in the fall, services resumed with everyone required to wear a mask. A large screen was installed in the SW corner of the nave with recording capabilities and the services continue to be on Facebook. During this time, extensive renovations including a basement bathroom took place at the parsonage. With a declining membership,(the average Sunday attendance being 36) it was decided to sign an Assisting Capacity Pastor Partnership Agreement with Immanuel in Cedar Falls. So at the end of 125 years, we are once again partnering with Immanuel!
2021—In January Rev. Kevin Richter was installed as pastor at St. John’s. His time will be divided 70% at St. John’s and 30% at Immanuel. In June the members of St. John’s voted to purchase a new Allen organ for $80,000 which will be paid for with memorial money and donations from members. Also in July our congregation was invited to an outdoor Sunday service at Immanuel in Cedar Falls. Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 18-22 in the evening. September 19th we will celebrate St. John’s 125th anniversary with a special celebration LIGHTING A PATH TO THE FUTURE!
St. John’s congregation aided two members as they attended Missouri Synod Seminaries: Felix Tovar was confirmed at Immanuel (then in Waterloo) and was a member of St. John’s after moving to Grundy Center. He graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO in 2006. He has served three churches in the Missouri area focusing on Hispanic ministry. TJ Cowell was confirmed in 2005 at St. John’s and was a 2017 graduate of Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. He is currently pastor at St. John’s in Burt, Iowa and Trinity in Algona, Iowa.
Opportunities for Christian Growth
The Dorcas Society of St. John’s Lutheran Church
The Dorcas Society which is a member of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has played an active part in the life of St. John’s. It is open to all women of the church. Some of the activities include making quilts and pillowcase dresses for the Orphan Grain Train, tying fleece blankets for seniors at Valley Lutheran School, packing boxes of goodies for our college students, delivering meals on wheels, serving senior citizen dinners, helping with the food pantry, and quilts for Lutheran World Relief just to name a few. The women were always ready to help serve Lenten suppers, help with VBS, Christmas programs, Easter breakfasts, furnishing flowers for the altar, taking care of communion ware and other special events including participating in the church service on LWML Sunday. The money raised with lots of bake sales and other fund raising events goes to several church affiliated missions including supporting student pastors. The Dorcas hosted zone prayer services and LWML rallies and also helped with the National Convention held in Des Moines. Ladies’ Day Away was always a fun adventure for the group. In 2020 this group celebrated 100 years.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF)
This is an organization for high school students which was formerly Walther League. This organization was very active in past years. Many youth took part in raising funds to attend National Youth Gatherings in such places as Washington D.C., Orlando FL, New Orleans, LA, and San Antonio, TX. Fund raising involved Easter breakfast, 4th of July activities at the park, selling cook books, cards, baked products and auctioning labor to name a few. 15% of funds raised went to mission projects.
S.O.S. (singles over 60) women meet monthly, Voters’ Assembly meets quarterly, and Church Council meets monthly. Adult Bible class and Sunday School continue to be held after services each Sunday as well as Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies during the week. Vacation Bible School is held each summer for one week and youth confirmation classes for fifth thru eighth graders meet September through April.