St. John's is a friendly church family that welcomes everyone to join us as we worship our gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, grow in our faith and baptismal identity, and serve God and our neighbor.
Worship is a special time when God graciously comes down to us. As He meets us where we are, He feeds us with His Word. He forgive our sins through the death of His Son. He listens to our prayers and answers them according to His good will. Through His means of grace, our God Almighty fills our hearts with the hope and joy of His eternal promises.
Every worship service is centered around the Word of God, where we hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior. Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection is proclaimed for the forgiveness of our sins, our salvation, and our eternal life.
St. John's enjoys a variety of styles and music in our services as we praise God and give all thanks to Him. Come join us in person or check out our services on our YouTube channel.
Sunday Morning 9:00 am
Adult Bible Study
Sunday mornings in fellowship Hall 10:15 am
Sunday School
Sunday School upstairs classrooms 10:15 am
Women's Bible Study
Monday mornings at church 10:00 am
Bible Study with Breakfast
Thursday mornings at church 7:00 am
July 2021 - Rocky Railroad
July 2022 - Monumental
July 2023 - Stellar
July 2024 - Scuba
July 6th - 10th, 2025 - True North
4 - 5:30 pm Preschool VBS
5:30 - 6 pm Dinner for everyone
6 - 8 pm Elementary VBS
Advent Services
Wednesday Evenings
Dinner 5:15 pm
Worship 6:00 pm
Christmas Eve
Candlelight Service 4:00 pm
Christmas Day
No service
Lent Services
Worship at SJ 12:00 pm
Lunch 1:00 pm
Dinner at IM 4:30 PM
Worship at IM 6:00 PM
Holy Week Services
Holy Thursday 6:00 pm
Good Friday 6:00 pm
Easter Sunday 2025
Rolls and Coffee 8:00 am
Easter Worship 9:00 am